Sparklehorse - Queen Elizabeth Hall
The night kicked off with Sol Seppy – an interesting combo led by the very Australian sounding Sophie Michalitsianos. The short set was reasonably diverse, from the solo piano opener – to a full sample driven closer. Still the most dominant impact for me was how much Sophie’s vocals sound like Angie Hart, of long-defunct Melbourne pop-combo Frente.
I was pleased when we returned from interval to see the stage set-up for a full combo of guitar, bass, drums, keyboards, pedal steel, a sampler, and even a glockenspiel.
That said – despite the diverse instrumentation – my one criticism of the show was it was something of a one-note performance – with leader Mark Linkus concentrating on the slow and mid tempo material. Although when this includes such cracker songs as “Good Morning Spider”s ‘Painbirds’ and “It’s A Wonderful Life”s ‘Eyepennies’ – their really isn’t a lot to complain about. Still it was good to hear a change of pace with the ‘Hammering The Cramps’ towards the end of the main set, and “Pig” to close the first encore.
As anticipated, their was a focus on material from the just released “Dreamt For Light Years in the Belly of a Mountain”, of which ‘Don’t Take My Sunshine Away’ was the stand-out for me.
Although somewhat surprisingly, the show still features mostly material from the Sparklehorse debut “Vivadixiesubmarinetransmissionplot”: ‘Gasoline Horseys’, Sad & Beautiful World”, and Sophie from Sol Seppy joining for harmony vocals on “Tears on Fresh Fruit”. ‘Spirit Ditch’ opened the first encore, and ‘Homecoming Queen’ as the soul second encore. A great show – with the intricate sound extremely well matched to a venue.